June 26, 2014

Saffron Rouge Inner Circle Unboxing | June 2014

Saffron Rouge Inner Circle Unboxing - June 2014 | Ribbons Down My Back

After egarly awaiting for this months Inner Circle box to arrive, my June box arrived last week. And that means another unboxing! Whoop whoop!

For those not familiar, Saffron Rouge Inner Circle is a beauty subscription box that provides you with deluxe (a and sometimes full size) samples from high end natural beauty brands from around the world. The cost is $24.99 per month (shipping included) and they ship to both the US and Canada. 

Let's get unboxing!

June 11, 2014

To Granville Island We Go! - A Vancouver, BC Trip Report | Part III

When I last left off, we were at Stanley Park. It was starting to get dark and we were hungry, so we decided to drive across town to Aphrodite's Cafe for dinner. I'll leave the details for the review I'll be writing soon. Just know this: the food was amazing. Especially the gluten-free and vegan pie.

Aphrodite's Cafe in Vancouver, BC | Ribbons Down My Back

June 1, 2014

Flowers & More Flowers - A Vancouver, BC Trip Report | Part II

When I ended the last post, we were just beginning to explore Stanley Park. There's many different parts in the park since it's so huge, so we made our way along, stopping at each place that looked interesting. Stanley Park Pavilion was my favorite, as the grounds were beautiful. Lots of pretty flowers were in bloom, making it the perfect place for lots of photos.

Stanley Park Pavilion, Vancouver, BC

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